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  • What is considered infertile?

    Experiencing difficulties getting pregnant or having infertility is a stage of being infertile. It means not able to get pregnant after being married for a while.  Infertility can happen to both men and women. For men it is about 20-30%, for women is 40-55%, both sides are 10-40%, and unknown causes are 10-20%.

    These are the indicators :

    1. Having regular sexual intercourses (2-3 times per week) without any form of birth control for a year but still cannot get pregnant.
    2. Married couples who are ageing especially women who are older than 35 years old. They may have diseases that would interfere with reproductive system such as endometriosis or polycystic ovary.

    Causes of Infertility

    1. Causes from women

    Women may have abnormal reproductive system since birth, infection or hormone abnormality that cause problems for ovulation, abnormal growth of uterine wall, blockage in ovarian tubes, adhesion, cyst and endometriosis.

    1. Causes from men

    Common causes that are found in men are having low sperm count, abnormal sperm movement, abnormalities in sperm production and sperm transferring, the way they have intercourse, ejaculation, and the ability to fertilize with eggs.

    There are many abnormalities that can take place in each cause. Furthermore, it could be because of abnormal immune system, retrograde ejaculation, blockages in vas deferens, other sicknesses, infection, or abnormal reproductive system since birth. Some can associate with obesity, disabilities, stress, cigarette, and alcohol. These have a direct effect of sperm’s health.


    By Assoc.Prof. Matchuporn Sukprasert

  • How to Diagnose and Treat Infertility?

    There are many methods of infertility’s treatment. It depends on different factors such as causes of infertility, timing, ages of married couples and other environmental factors.

    The first step is to find out the causes of infertility. A thorough checkup needs to be done in both men and women because it could be from both individual. There are some cases that abnormalities were not found. We still offer treatments that can increase the chances of getting pregnant such as IVF ICSI that uses fertility technology to help as well.

    Infertility Evaluation in Married Couples

    The evaluation should be done together for both husband and wife. Generally, we will start asking about their medical history.

    Women: Any history in gynecology, history of sickness, surgery, menstrual period in the past, menstrual cramps, history of pelvic floor’s infection, any history of getting Diethylstilbestrol (DES) medication when the mother was pregnant, and history in endocrine disease.

    Men: Any history of surgery or accident that was involved with reproductive organs, history of infection, mumps, other diseases and medical history. Also, it is important to know sexual intercourse history of both sides such as ejaculation, pain and other abnormalities during sex, and genetic disorders of both sides.

    General Health Checkup

    General health checkup such as gynecology checkup to see reproductive organs, reproductive development, pap smear test, and checkup for any abnormalities in testicle, semen analysis, ovulation evaluation, and additional tests for fallopian tubes. Moreover, other checkup tests are also important for infertility evaluation such as any history in pelvic surgery or any pelvic infection.

    After finding out the causes for infertility, we can determine the methods of treatment by using high technology to help improve reproductive system.


    By Assoc.Prof. Matchuporn Sukprasert

  • Does “hip raises” and “leg raises” after sex increase your chances of getting pregnant?

    Not confirmed

    There is no medical research confirming that. Lying down, elevate your hips using pillows. and raising the legs high after sex It will make getting pregnant easier. Because normally after sperm is ejaculated into the vagina, sperm can run on its own and reach the fallopian tube within 5 minutes without the need for the help of gravity.


    By Assoc.Prof. Matchuporn Sukprasert

  • In infertility treatment, is it necessary for everyone to do Hysterosalpingography (HSG) before starting treatment?

    There is no need for everyone to do Hysterosalpingography before starting treatment. Because the Hysterosalpingography , the doctor will consider risk factors such as having a history of pelvic surgery. Endometriosis or other gynecological diseases such as uterine tumors Uterine fibrosis or a congenitally abnormal uterus, etc.

  • What is Hysterosalpingography (HSG) ?

    The procedure involves an internal procedure to check for cancer in which the doctor uses a small tube. Supported through the pores and then injected with radiopaque contrast material into the uterine cavity along with X-ray photography while the radiation The radiopaque flows through the fallopian tube until it reaches the pelvic floor. This is possible in the fallopian tubes and uterine cavity.

    This test can cause pain in the lower abdomen during and after the test, but it is not the same for each person. Doctors usually prescribe oral pain relievers before the test. But during the examination process, the doctor will not put the examinee to sleep or sedate him in any way. And the ideal time for testing with this method is 2-5 days after menstruation ends, but not more than 10-12 days from the first day of menstruation.


    By Assoc.Prof. Matchuporn Sukprasert

  • PCOS VS Chocolate Cyst

    It's not the same disease.

    PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) 

    Endocrine system disorders This causes the patient to have estrogen, progesterone, androgen, and insulin levels in an unbalanced state. Several small fluid-filled cysts form in the ovaries. This may occur on one or both sides. The ovaries therefore increase in size. And may result in irregular periods, acne, hirsutism, or infertility. It is usually found mainly in women of reproductive age.

    Chocolate Cyst

    Medical experts believe that it is caused by menstrual blood flowing back. That is, instead of blood flowing out of the vagina as usual. Instead, some of the menstrual flow flows back through the fallopian tube into the abdominal cavity and becomes embedded in the ovary, causing a cyst or sac filled with blood. Women of reproductive age are more likely to develop this disease but will only show symptoms. Or how much it affects the body depends on each person's immune system. Although it is not a life-threatening disease, it causes suffering to girls. There are quite a few who have this disease.

    By Assoc.Prof. Matchuporn Sukprasert

  • What type of problem should ICSI be used?

    1. Spouses where the woman is over 35 years old.
    2. Female spouses who have problems with blocked fallopian tubes or damaged fallopian tubes.
    3. The female spouse has a thick eggshell. Sperm cannot penetrate the egg shell and enter the egg cell.
    4. The female spouse has a history of repeated miscarriages without known cause.
    5. Couples who have been trying to conceive for more than 1 year and have tried other methods of conception, such as counting the days of ovulation or IUI, but have not been successful.
    6. The male spouse has sperm problems, such as a low sperm count. Sperm doesn't move well.
    7. The male spouse is sterile or has had a vasectomy but still wants to have children. If this is the case, the man must "have sperm" which the doctor will remove by surgery. Also known as PESA/TESE, sperm obtained from surgery is used for the ICSI process.
    8. Spouses with a family history of hereditary diseases or have given birth to a baby with a genetic abnormality


    By Assoc.Prof. Matchuporn Sukprasert